Privacy Policy

Effective date: August 01, 2019

NASBIX Technologies  (“we”, “our”, or “us”) runs the website (the “Service”).

We collect and use your information to make our service better. By using our service, you agree that we can collect and use your information following our rules. Until we say otherwise in our Privacy Policy, the words we use in the policy mean the same as in the Terms and Conditions on

Data Collection and Usage

We collect different types of information for various reasons to improve our services for you.

Types of Information Gathered

We might ask for your personal information when you use our service. This could include your name and other details that identify you. We can use this information to find or get in touch with you. Personal data can include things like:

  • First and Last name
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Usage and Cookies Data

Usage Data We might collect information about how you use the service. The Usage Data is information about how a computer is used, including its IP address. We collect information such as the websites you visit, what internet browser you use, when you visited the websites, how long you spent on the websites, and your device’s unique identifier.

Cookies & Tracking Data We use cookies and other tracking technologies to keep track of what people do on our website and to store certain information.

Cookies are small files with data that can have a unique and anonymous ID. These (Cookies) are sent to your browser from a website and saved on your device. We use tracking technologies like scripts, tags, and beacons to collect and improve our Service.

You can tell your internet browser to not accept cookies or to choose when you want to receive them. Also, if you don’t agree to the cookies, you might not be able to use certain parts of our service.

Cookies Used By Us (Some Examples):

  • Session Cookies-We make use of Session Cookies to run our Service.
  • Security Cookies-We use these cookies to ensure security.

Data Usage

We use the collected information for different reasons:

  • To provide and keep up the Service
  • We want to tell you about the changes we made to our Service.
  • To allow you to join in the interactive parts of our Service, if you want to.
  • To provide the best help and assistance for customers.
  • We need to study important information in order to improve the Service.
  • To check and manage how the service is used.
  • To find and fix computer problems.

Data Transfer

Your information, like your name and address, may be sent to and handled on computers in different places, like other countries, where the rules about protecting your information may be different.

If you live outside Pakistan and agree to give us your information, please know that we will send the information elsewhere. Sending personal information to Pakistan to be processed there.

When you give us your information, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and giving us permission to move it.

We carefully protect your information according to this Policy to keep it safe. We only give your personal information to countries or organizations that can keep it safe.

Legal Requirements We may use your personal information if we believe it is necessary.

  • To follow a law that you have to obey
  • To protect and keep safe the company’s stuff and rights.
  • To check for or stop any bad behavior related to the service.
  • To protect the safety of the people who use the service.
  • To avoid getting in trouble with the law.

Data Security

We take your data security very seriously, but remember that no electronic storage or internet transmission method is 100% secure. We do our best to protect your personal information, but we can’t promise it will be completely secure.

Service Providers

We can ask people and other companies to help us provide and improve our service. These people and companies are called Service Providers and they help us with tasks related to our service.

Other companies can use your personal information only to do things for us. They are not allowed to use or tell anyone else about your information.


We might use other companies to keep track of how people use our service.

Google Analytics Google Analytics is a tool from Google that helps track and show information about how many people are visiting a website. Google uses the information it collects to keep an eye on how people use its services. This information is also sent to other Google services. Google might use the information they gather to make their ads targeted towards specific individuals and to match the ads with the content being viewed.

You can decide to track your activity using Google Analytics. Just put Google Analytics on the opt-out browser add-on. This add-on stops Google Analytics from sharing information about your visits.

For more information about how Google protects your privacy, go to Google’s Privacy and Terms page at https://policies. googlecom/privacyhl=en

Other websites Links

We may provide links to other websites that we don’t control. If you click on a link to another website, you will be taken to that website. We suggest checking the Privacy Policy of every website you go to.

We cannot control or take responsibility for how third parties handle your privacy, services they provide, the content they share, or their practices.

Privacy of Children

Our service is not for people under 18 years old. Kids.

We don’t collect information from anyone under 18. If parents know that their child gave us their personal information, they should get in touch with us. When we find out we collected kids’ information without their parents’ permission, we delete it from our servers right away.

Alteration To The Privacy Policy

We can change our Privacy Policy whenever we want. We will let you know about changes by updating the new Privacy Policy page and sending emails.

We will send you an email or a special notice before we make changes to our service. We will also put the new information at the top of the Privacy Policy page.

We suggest you check this Policy regularly for any changes. Changes to this policy are effective when they are put on the Privacy Policy page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how we use your information or how our website works, please email us at:, or

Contact Us

NASBIX Technologies contact form follows the GDPR regulations. We fixed it by adding a checkbox that you can choose to use. If you agree to continue, we may collect your email to send you the information you asked for. We didn’t just guess, we made sure it’s clear and agreed to by the user before we contact them. We don’t already have a box checked, but you can choose to check it if you want to.


Our newsletter follows the laws about protecting people’s personal information. By checking the box, the user agrees to let their email be used to get free blogs, discounts, deals, and other stuff. NASBIX Technologies will continue to handle the information until the user decides to stop giving permission. The administrator follows the rules about keeping information private when using the data. They make sure that people agree to share their information freely and not because they will get something else in return. The user can see, delete, limit, or correct their data.

GDPR Setting

“Privacy by Default” and “Privacy by Design” are important parts of our policy. With Privacy by Design, we make sure to focus on privacy from the start and as we create and develop new services, products, and services. Privacy by Default means that companies are required to make sure that their systems and processes protect people’s privacy from the start, as required by the GDPR law. We made a place where you can put your GDPR info, look at, and agree to our new data protection policy. If you decide to use GDPR, you will have access to special tools to help you control your personal information.