Make Your Website/App/Product GDPR Compliant Today!

Nasbix Technologies commences General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance services. GDPR has been designed to fortify data privacy across Europe. With GDPR compliance consulting, we are committed to reshaping the approach of organizations towards data privacy. Our GDPR implementation consultant helps you keep your business aligned with the new general data protection regulation compliance.

How Nasbix Technologies Proves To Be Right Partner For GDPR Compliance?

  • consultation


    Our wise consultants provide you deep analysis of data flow regarding technology, people or process. Order your consultation regarding your website, product or application audit.

  • analytics


    GDPR compliance requirements pose in front of you for exploring & classifying varied data across a business. Here comes the need to map and process activities based on personal data usage. Our GDPR consulting services help you with consent, remediation & Data Subject Access Rights.

  • implementation


    The GDPR compliance services we offer are executed keeping all related factors in mind. General Data Protection Regulation will have a great impact on how you gather, store and safeguard data personal data of EU people irrespective of the fact that you are located outside the European Union.

  • cloud


    GDPR consulting firms face challenges posed by SaaS & cloud-hosted apps for specific GDPR preparations. Separate security solutions may create visibility gaps. So, we promote cloud environment to strengthen detection, protection and correction capabilities.

  • security


    GDPR compliance reflects with the fast response against breach detection of data. A major need of GDPR is the ability to respond within 72 hours from the time of its awareness. It is crucial to create data breach record within the security operations. We help you do it right.

Steps toward GDPR Compliance


    Our GDPR consultants map and evaluate third party technologies. Further, they respond to each essential question which is crucial for GDPR compliance. We track technology falling under GDPR, evaluate their execution, and check what third parties claim in users’ agreement. We investigate if additional consent is needed.


    On the basis of general business situations, tech assessment and in accordance with GDPR checklist, our consultants sketch a strategy to attain GDPR compliance at that same time keeping user experience away from unnecessary impact. We collect consent to strike a balance between commercial, legal and technical aspects to gain performance optimization for digital marketing activities. Our team makes sure to do it without any interference with data protection law.


    No matter where your data goes, get it protected with robust features like authorization, authentication and encryption and rest assured. You can readily answer customers’ queries of data deletion, modifying & retrieval. We remain prepared for the execution and monitoring of related business procedures.


    Abiding by GDPR compliance checklist and regulations, we gain the capability of detection, protection and correction against theft attempts and accidental data loss. Our GDPR readiness allows us to combat with insider threats. We go with proper monitoring, assessment, auditing, reporting and evaluation adherence to GDPR standards.

Ready to Discuss Your Project?. Let’s get started

Problems Posed

If you are a website owner and still unaware of the fact that your website widgets, web analytics and online marketing are subject to General Data Protection Regulation compliance, then it is right time to heed towards it. Choose us as your GDPR Compliance solution provider to get rid of the following problems:

  • Online advertising

    Digital advertisers gather personal data such as IP addresses, browsing history, etc. Even the most experienced advertisers are not aware of the fact that third parties can sell or redistribute this data in an unlawful way. Our expert will assist you to come out of the effect of this time bomb with GDPR

  • Web Analytics

    Website owners use Google Analytics tools to measure traffic and optimize web usage. These analytics collect and analyze the user data to comprehend your website. Though web analytics is considered less prone to intrusion, but things turn bad when browsing data through this tracking gets in malicious hands. Thus, keep informed and explicit consent from the end user. Shake hand with us to follow it correct.

  • Third Party Widgets

    Website owners add third-party widgets under the fascination of serving audience better or adding superb functionality into the site. For instance, Facebook makes for online commenting or MailChimp does it for newsletters. To recognize the users, varied third party services use random numbers, exclusive identifier, etc. This identification is implemented to generate user profile and it is covered under GDPR. Thus, contact GDPR solutions providers for the best solutions.